
Deep Dives & Practical Solutions for Web & Mobile

The RawRepresentable protocol

The RawRepresentable protocol

If you’ve ever used a Swift enum with a raw value, you may not even realise that you have already worked with the RawRepresentable protocol. But what is it and how can you make use of it? In this article we are going to investigate the RawRepresentable protocol and I’m going to show you some neat ways for using the protocol to our advantage.

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Proportional layout with SwiftUI

Proportional layout with SwiftUI

Starting from iOS 16, SwiftUI gives us the option to build custom layouts that can control very precisely where each subview should be placed. We have the option to build layouts that can be used just as the VStack, HStack or any other built in Layout you may be familiar with from SwiftUI. This new tool creates an opportunity for us to really easily create layouts that size their subviews proportionally to its own dimensions, similar to flex box in CSS

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The @ and # symbols in Swift

The @ and # symbols in Swift

When a new feature is introduced in a programming language, we as developers are often quick to assume it will solve many of their challenges. The excitement to experiment with such features is natural, but it’s often accompanied by the realisation that every solution brings its own set of unique challenges. This was no different when actors were introduced.

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The reentrancy problem

The reentrancy problem

When a new feature is introduced in a programming language, we as developers are often quick to assume it will solve many of their challenges. The excitement to experiment with such features is natural, but it’s often accompanied by the realisation that every solution brings its own set of unique challenges. This was no different when actors were introduced.

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Tips and tricks for iOS & macOS cross platform development

Tips and tricks for iOS & macOS cross platform development

You may have heard how incredibly easy it is to develop user interfaces that work well in all platforms with SwiftUI. But I have some bad news for you, while SwiftUI indeed makes our lives a lot easier, you will still have to invest some time to get the best results out of it.

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Debugging memory leaks in Xcode

Debugging memory leaks in Xcode

Ever got into a situation where you observed some strange behaviour with your app? Crashes, very bad performance or strange warnings in the console? Or simply you looked at the memory usage of your app and realised that it’s way too high for what your app should be doing? Yeah! Most likely you are dealing with a memory leak.

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Testing your backend integration with ease

Testing your backend integration with ease

While working on a client application, you may be wondering, what is the most effective way to test (or even to develop) your networking layer without trying to alter the backend in order to replicate certain scenarios. Working with the backend is time consuming. Real requests take time, you may have to follow certain steps for every action you are trying to test and in many cases, you may not even have the flexibility to reproduce certain states in your backed.

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Simplify your code with @Entry

Simplify your code with @Entry

If you’ve ever tried to tap into the systems provided by SwiftUI, you are very likely to know, how quickly the boilerplate in your code can grow in size. The @Entry macro provides a solution to that

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Designing for yourself versus for a public library

Designing for yourself versus for a public library

There is a big huge difference between 'well designed code' in case of an application and a public library. Don't over-engineer your apps like you were building a library.

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